Friday, December 28, 2012

No Place Like Home for the Holidays

Yep, that's right. I'm on Hoosier soil... but only for now. I am heading back to Harrisburg on Monday (New Year's Eve). It's been great to just chill for awhile before getting back to work. I had a great Christmas, it was very relaxed, just a small dinner at my uncle's house and hanging out with my sister and cousin. Also got a guitar that used to belong to another one of my uncles, so that I can work more on my songwriting. I'll hopefully be posting my songs soon. Hope you all had a most merry Christmas, and will have a most joyous New Year. God Bless! <3

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ask, and you will recieve

"Most people have not because they ask not." Wiser words have never been spoken for this particular moment. Let me tell you what's been going on.

As a DTS, we (not me personally, I'm base staff, not DTS) needed $60,000 within about a week for everybody to go on outreach. Jeremy (the base leader) gathered us as a community and said he'd never seen a DTS with so much need and so little time. He and the other leadership felt from the Lord that we were all to pray and fast over this weekend, starting on Friday and ending with a big breakfast to celebrate on Monday. Total, it came to 60 hours of fasting, contending and praying in shifts to see a breakthrough over our finances. Within about 4 days, we saw around $40,000 come in. Come on! However, that's not the end of the story. Just today, we found out that somebody anonymously gave our base $10,000! Within a span of about 5 days, we have seen almost all of the money come in. And I believe that the rest is coming. GOD IS SO GOOD! We need to break off the poverty mindset that says we shouldn't ask, because we probably won't recieve, even if God wanted to. He longs to open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessings upon blessings for his children! I am even stirred myself for my own financial breakthrough I'm going to be recieving. I am going to need about $2,700 to go to Congo in April, not to mention my monthly staff fees I'll still have to pay while I'm gone. But I'm not worried. Why should I be, especially after today? Haha :) God is good. All the time. Believe it. God Bless! <3

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Power and the Glory (Congo Bound)

As I sit here on this Saturday morning, I have to wonder how it all came to this. How I went from being a smart kid with the sky as the limit, to the girl who threw it all away by laziness and apathy, to the young woman who got a factory job to try and piece it all together, to the fiery revivalist and passionate lover of God I am today. All the steps of this journey have culminated in this moment...

I am going to Congo.

That's right, my first steps outside of American soil will be on some of the most wartorn in the world. I've already been asked to reconsider by some in my family.
"Don't you realize how bad things are over there? Are you really going to make your dad have to bury another kid?"
 My answer was quite firmly, "He won't have to." They couldn't understand how I can be so sure of my safety, but I've learned that the safest place to be is in the center of God's will. So what if I'm shot or hurt? God will heal me. So what if I'm killed? God can bring me back. Not that it will be necessary. This is only the beginning of my journey, and as much as I love God, it's nothing compared to how much he loves me. I am his beloved daughter, and if any decent dad takes care of his kids, how much more so the greatest dad there ever has been or will be. He didn't die just so I could go to heaven, He died so that I could have life, and life TO THE FULL. I serve the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the same God who wrought the plagues on Egypt and brought Lazerus back from the dead. I serve the King of Kings, ruler over all, who has the keys to Death and Hell firmly in his grasp. I have placed my trust in him and his leadership, and I feel that he is leading me to Congo. These people need me and Jesus! All they know is darkness, fear, and uncertainty. Why would I want to go anywhere else? Most people don't realize that I'm called to war zones. I am called to the hardest and darkest places, because it's there where God's light shines brightest. So that's why I'm going in April. And nobody is going to convince me otherwise because of my safety. "Do not fear those that can kill the body but not touch the soul. Rather, fear the one that can cast both body and soul into Hell." Pretty much. "Death, where is your victory, oh grave, where is your sting?"

In other news, we are not running a spring DTS like we thought. God asked us to shelve it until later so we can start really diving in to the vision of being a Circut Rider community, seeing teams come and go with this as their home that they are sent out from. (Antioch, anyone?) Excited to see this vision come to pass, and am beyond blessed to be a part of it.

More updates as things come up, as always. :) God Bless! <3

Monday, November 19, 2012

Insanity and Convergence, Smacked in the face (Not literally) and Ek Ballo

This will be one of the longest posts I've done to date, but that's because so much has happened in the span of 10ish days. Everything is accelerating. Shifting. Starting. Happening. Going. Moving. We are getting slammed with the reality of what God has for us as a crew and as our wider global community, sharpening our focus and launching us like never before. We are heading into the unknown at Mach 20 with no seatbelt and no way out even if we wanted to be. Which of course we don't. Before I get too ahead of myself here, let me tell you what's going on...

Last week was Andy Byrd's week for the DTS. I was busy working in the kitchen during most of his teaching, but I did get to hear some of what he talked about. He shared about the culture of revival and the practicals on how to live it out. (Come on, somebody!) He led us in repentance for passivity and unbelief, two of the biggest destiny killers in the world. That was crazy in and of itself, but it was just the beginning. Thursday night was the beginning of Convergence, the conference I wrote about a couple posts back. As with most of the times we revivalists get together, it was a beautiful collision of hearts and passion as we sought the Lord to see a culture shift in this nation. We need one, and now. We can't wait any longer!! The alarm clock has gone off, it is time to see America rise to its destiny once again! Revival is reality, awakening is coming, and anybody who says different doesn't know my God. My heart is burning within me as I sit full of faith for what God is birthing in this moment. If I had any doubts about the power of God to change lives, they have been torn to shreds and burned beyond recognition. Forever. We started off Thursday with Brian Brennt joining Andy to speak more on the coming awakening and the practicals of sustaining revival. During worship towards the end, everybody was standing at their seat. I decided I couldn't stand it and ran up front and danced in front of God and everyone with complete abandon by myself. It was so amazing, I can't even describe. Nothing brings me to life like pure, uncontained worship straight to my King. Afterwards I joined in with the cleaning crew. The next day my fellow Leadership Track friends and I had breakfast and worship together, and then another session with Brian and Andy. This time, we seperated the college students and had them on the stage, and then we YWAMers and everybody else commisioned them to go crazy on their respective campuses. There was even a guy there from Taylor University! Woooo Indiana! Haha. :) Saturday we had evangelism training in the morning, and then in the afternoon we sent out 13 teams into Allison Hill here in Harrisburg. Altogether, we saw 37 salvations and 20 healings, all in 2 hours!! Go God! The soil is good in America! Don't belive the lie that it's not! Jesus wants his reward! That night we had Shawn Bolz from Hollywood come and speak. I didn't get to hear much of it, because I was on camera crew and had to concentrate on my very big, professional camera. But it was good, and he brought alot to the table about shifting culture in the entertainment industry. So good!! That night my friends from the Burn Rochester crew got to pray for my sleep, after I explained to them how I grew up with almost nightly nightmares that made me scared to sleep most of the time. Glad to be getting more rest from now on. Yesterday (Sunday) morning at service, Pastor Charles ordained Andy along with Sean Feucht... amazing to see where God is going to take them next. Glory to glory! :) Last night, Sean blew the place up with worship and then Andy spoke about what it means to be Ek Balloed. The word Ek Ballo, (Greek, I think) a word meaning go or send, is the word Jesus used when he expelled Legion into the herd of pigs. It implies a violence of thrusting someone or something. He used the same word when talking to his disciples. "Ask then, that the Lord of the Harvest would send (ek ballo) workers into the harvest field." It's the same idea of thrusting and sending with no ability to resist. Jesus wants to ek ballo us into places, whether it's into the nations like me or the universities like others in my crew. We must go!!!!!!! God also talked to me last night about maybe joining a friend of mine on a trip to Congo in April. So excited for this!!!! I really see this as just the beginning to my role as a minister to the nations. Can't wait. ^.^

Today Brian spoke to the DTS, and really laid some foundation and vision for where we are/should be going as a community. Here's a piece of it...

We are meant to be a hub, not a base (wider perspective).
We are meant to be a mobile strike team.
We are meant to have a virtual classroom along with the one we already have here.
We are meant to be a home for Circut Riders.
We are meant to be a catalyst for global reformation.
We are meant to train in the field. We learn as we go.

This is just a piece of what he talked about. I am going crazy here, trying to figure out where I fit in. There are so many things happening, many decisions to be made...

Staffing the next DTS in April.
My roll as kitchen staff and leadership track.
My role in these teams and other words from Brian.

I am beyond excited to see what God will do with me. Whatever it is, wherever he takes me, I do it from love and not for love. I will not go and burn out, I will burn and go out. I will be a peacemaker where chaos now reigns. Stay tuned, more updates will come as these things come together. Much love to you all... God Bless! <3

Friday, November 9, 2012

Birthdays and other fun

Had a few moments while I sit here waiting for midnight, so I thought I'd post a little bit about what's been going on. Very excited, because at midnight it's my birthday. Still hard to believe I'm going to be 21 in just a few hours. Even harder to believe is how far I've come since my last birthday... 20 was a rollercoaster of a year, that's for sure, but it was a fun rollercoaster all the same. My crew gave me a pumpkin cake and a few presents tonight, and then we are having a game night tomorrow night. I am just so stirred as I look ahead to what this next year will hold, I forsee many great things. This will be a year of God's refining fire taking me even deeper. Can't wait. ^.^ Also looking forward to seeing Trans-Siberian Orchestra in concert over in Hershey on December 21st. I've missed them these past few years! :) In other news, I'll be coming home for Christmas! I get into Indy on Christmas Eve, and head back to Harrisburg on New Year's Eve. Looking forward to a solid week back at home before diving back in to my life as a YWAMer, can't wait to see everybody!!! God Bless! <3

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Time for some vision casting, aka what's next?

I am just so stirred right now for what God is birthing here in Harrisburg, starting with this DTS and going further to the community as a whole. During a staff meeting the other day we talked a bit about some of the words of the Lord that have been spoken over our community, mainly about how we were going to be a beachhead of revival as well as an Antioch location here in the East just as Kona is in the West. It's been beautiful to watch. Even though the leaders (mainly the Bardwells) have been here plowing for the past 3 years and I've only been here the 1, I've still gotten to see this place turn into a YWAM base essentially. Especially since we opened the 333 House for operation, things have really been coming to a head. This DTS, the third one that's been run by YWAM Harrisburg so far (mine was the second), is only the beginning. We can now start to do events like the one this November called Convergence, where we are gathering leaders from across the Northeast to come contend for a culture shift in America. (Come on!!) We can also start to partner with other places to do things, like the partnership with Lancaster to run a Circut Rider school here in Pennsylvania next August. We are also looking in to joining with Hillsong Church in NYC to host TheSend with Lou Engle, but it's still just in the works. However, that doesn't mean I'm not super excited about what else God will do through my crew and me! So here's a tentative schedule...

November 2012- Convergence
Spring 2013- TheSend(?)
Summer 2013- Possible DTS
                        Hillside Intensive
Fall 2013- DTS
                 Lancaster CR(?)

Antioch. The Kona of the East Coast.
80 million saved, 200 thousand released into missions.
Consecrated community, centered around the person of Christ, leading to revival and reformation.
Let's do it. *Game face*

God Bless! <3

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Salem, Irritation, and Sandy

As most of you know, we just had a really bad storm come through the Northeast. Frankenstorm, Superstorm, or just Hurricane Sandy. Whatever you call it, I just call it irritating. My reason? Our trip to Salem, MA that was supposed to be happening from this Monday to Thursday (over Halloween basically) got cancelled by it. It wouldn't have been so bad, if this wasn't the trip I've been greatly anticipating since I realized I was coming back to Harrisburg! Our crew looks forward to this trip every fall, and I was glad for the chance to join them for the first time. But then, Sandy decided to blow through and ruin it for me. :p In all seriousness though, this storm was intense. Although Harrisburg barely got touched (just a bunch of rain and wind... thank you God!), New York and the coastal areas are hurting. Keep them in your prayers, just as we will in ours. I have a feeling they are gonna need it. God Bless! <3

Friday, October 26, 2012

Heart to Heart

I'm warning you now, this isn't necessarily an update about what I'm doing. It's more an "I need to share what's on my heart" kind of thing, so unless you really care about what I think and not just my various ministry adventures, just pass this post on by.

I've just had a very heavy heart these past few weeks, and I haven't really been able to explain why. Mostly I have just put it down to a desire to GO. I feel like the little I do here isn't enough, and I'm not out there just going for it like I want to be. God's really been teaching me about my calling though. About how I'm not just a harvester, but I am a harvester of the harvesters. I am called to lead leaders, and disciple the disciplers. That is so hard for me to swallow though! Anybody who knows me, especially since my DTS, can testify to how I want to be out there in the thick of things, letting God use me how he will. But this IS how he is using me. Serving this base. This community. Trying to become a leader while being a leader. To be honest, I almost didn't want to be on staff. I wanted to be a student again, with great leaders that would give me the release to just take schools, nations, whatever for the Kingdom. But I have to deal with the fact that it's my turn to do the releasing. It's my turn to see these amazing people step into their identity. When I first felt led to come back, I also asked God what was beyond these two years, what was even a little bit further down the road for me. And while I still don't know for sure, I have felt a call to start a YWAM base back home in Indiana. I thought this call would begin then, being a leader of leaders and such. But, no. It's now. And it's freaking me out a bit. Who am I, a smalltown farm girl from Indiana with a weird streak a mile wide and stubborn as all get out to boot, that I would be picked for such dreams? That's when God's voice rings clear... you are that, and more. Princess. Daughter. Beloved. Sister and Bride. Who are you, that you get to decide who I call? Once again, I am filled with faith in the faithfullness of God as I learn to just abide in the vine and see where it takes me. Jesus, you are my one and only. Let my life be the proof of your love. Amen.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

DC Days

Just got back from a crazy week in DC! Some of the Leadership Track and I went down to be part of David's Tent DC, which was so amazing it's not even funny. For those that don't know, YWAM DC got permission from the park service to put a tent on the Ellipse, which is the lawn right across from the White House, for 40 days leading up to the elections for 24/7 worship. This is historic!! No one, and I mean NO ONE, has done anything like this.  David brought the Arc (God's presence) into Jeruselum and put it in a tent much like this one and hired 4000 musicians to minister day and night before the Lord, so they are following his example (without quite that number haha). There's no prayer, no speeches, no talking at all really, just pure vertical worship.They aren't pulling for one candidate over the other, the heart of this is to put a big target on Jesus and put him back on the throne of America where he belongs. It was beautiful to behold. I'm so glad for the divine appointment that sent me here for a time such as this. We were there for a week, and then the DTS is going down as well in November. Please keep the crew running this in your prayers as it comes to its conclusion, that everything that God sets out to accomplish with this is accomplished and that they would have a hedge of protection. Thanks! ^.^ God Bless! <3

Monday, October 15, 2012

Off to DC! I'll fill you guys in on what I'm doing there hopefully tonight. God Bless! <3

Friday, October 12, 2012

Crazy days in Hburg...

Wow, these past few days have been crazy! Between taking care of my kitchen duties, my base leader getting mugged(!), seeing a team head to Cornell for a couple days, preparing for DC next week as well as Salem, heading up a barbeque for the DTS, and living life here in general, I've been pretty swamped with stuff. Luckily, God is good enough to get me through anything. :) Excited for these upcoming trips to DC and Salem, can't wait to get out there and see people come to know Jesus. Not just know OF Jesus or ABOUT Jesus, but actually KNOW Jesus. This is what I live for. Let's do it. ^.^ God Bless! <3

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And away they go... well, not quite yet.

Although I am not going on outreach with them, I still wanted to post about the DTS outreach locations. They were announced today, and everybody is super stoked! I cannot wait for these amazing men and women of the Lord to get out there and do what missionaries do. If it was up to me (thank goodness it's not), they would already be out there and seeing revival! I am so amazed at the quality of the students at this DTS. They will be going to Ireland/UK, Nepal, and South Africa, with each team ending at an Ivy League school. Secretly hoping they might ask me to go on outreach with them... here's to hoping. God Bless! <3

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Travel Time. :)

Missionaries. We travel, right? Right. So where will I be traveling? For starters, Salem, Massachusetts. I'll be there over Halloween, praying for the big Pagan party that happens there each year. After that, I'll be heading to Washington, DC from the 2nd to the 7th. Excited? Yes, yes I am. :) Nothing I like better than to pile into 15 passenger vans and run around the country with my fellow lovers of Jesus. Glory. God Bless! <3

Monday, October 1, 2012

I meant to do a "first-post-now-that-I'm-back-in-Harrisburg" a lot sooner. But I think you guys will understand why I didn't once you read this...

So, I've made it back to Harrisburg! Very excited to see what will come. I know two years is a long time to be away, but I really feel like it's what God wanted. What have I been up to so far? Mostly cleaning! Haha. We (YWAM Harrisburg) just got a house right in the heart of Harrisburg. I could go into the prophetic history and all about how we got it, but that's a little much for a blog post, considering everything else I have to talk about. The address is 333 S 13th Street, and we call it the 333 House. It will be my home away from home while I am here. The house was rather nasty (mold, grime, and dust among other things) when we got it, but we have been working hard and have gotten it back in good condition. It is also housing the 21 students of our September DTS! Although I am on Leadership Track and not staffing the DTS itself, I have still gotten to meet the students by living with them this past week and helping make their food. I am so stirred for what God is going to do in their hearts these next five months! Which brings me to my next topic... I am heading up the kitchen staff for awhile! Rachel Borden, Charisah Cleath (who had her leg grow! Check out the video on my Facebook!) and I are taking care of stocking the kitchen, cooking the meals, and keeping the kitchen clean. Excited to work with these two amazing women of God! More updates to come soon, very soon. God Bless! <3

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Here we go! :)

Hey everyone! This will be my last post before I head out again. I'll be leaving Saturday morning and driving out to Harrisburg. SO EXCITED!!! :D Trying to get around and say goodbye to everybody before I leave this week, and then I'm packing up. Trying to set up my account with YWAM so that everybody can support me that way, tax deductible and everything. If you are interested in supporting me, let me know! :) And so we go... God Bless! <3

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preperation time

As I told you in my last post, I'm getting ready to head back to Harrisburg to be on staff. Still finding it hard to believe that it's less than a month away! Got a call from Sarah Harmsworth (staff in Harrisburg already), she's got my application, and they are taking care of it on that end. Just got some things to get ready before I leave. The main thing is getting all of the money together. Staff fees are $350 a month. Please be praying that my finances all come through, as well as partnering with me. It's a Kingdom investment you won't regret, I promise. :) I'm in talks to buy a car so that I can have one while I'm out there, but I don't know if that will happen. I'm just trusting that if I'm meant to have one, God will provide! Other than leaving my job at McDonald's in a few weeks, I should be ready. I've got my plane ticket, got my love of Jesus, and I'm raring to go! God Bless! <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What's next? Well, I'm working on it...

Wow, I hadn't realized how long it's been since I've posted. Anyway... I've finished my DTS. I'm currently sitting here in good ol' Frankfort, Indiana. It's been great being back! I've gotten a job at McDonalds to help for what's next. What is next for me? It's looking like I'll be heading back to Harrisburg on September 24th to be staff on the base for a couple years. Doing this would help prepare me to eventually come back and start a YWAM base here in Indiana! Very excited to see where I go in this next season. God Bless! <3

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My life is a whirlwind...

The title says it all! This past week we went back to New Haven. The next day we took a side trip up to Boston for the day and met up with the other Ivy League team and had some time at Harvard. Both teams went together to New Haven that night. The next day after that, the leaders of both teams left, leaving me and the other students to do a Faith Journey for a week. We had such an amazing time doing not only ministry but finding time to have fun as well. This past Saturday we met up with our leaders in New Jersey, and spent a few days at Resting Place. Today, we packed up and have now come to Harrisburg for the night, and then tomorrow we leave for Virginia to help with Awaken the Dawn and theCall Virginia until this coming Saturday. Once we are done with theCall, we will come back to Harrisburg for debrief and graduation! So excited to get back to Indiana on the 31st!! God Bless! <3

Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh how things change. :)

Guess where I'm posting from? New Haven. Yep, I'm back where I started outreach, Connecticut! Where did I think I would be? Philadelphia. Which I was, for a day (got to have my first authentic Philly cheesesteak), and then we left early and went to Harrisburg for a couple of days. Now we are back at Yale for a week, and then New Jersey and then debrief/graduation. Very excited to come home on the 31st! God Bless! <3

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pennsylvania Bound (for now, anyway!)

I've had the most amazing time here in New York! Cornell is without a doubt my favorite Ivy League that I've visited. The community spirit here just blows me away! Unfortunately (or fortunate depending on how you look at it) I am currently preparing to leave this beautiful place for yet another. Tomorrow afternoon me and my team head out to Warren, Pennsylvania to stay at the house of Rachele, one of my outreach leaders. We will be there until Monday, at which time we will head out to Philidelphia! Our fourth and final Ivy League, UPenn, awaits us there. We will be there for a week, and then we will have a few days in New Jersey at Resting Place and maybe even some time in New York City. After all of that, we'll head to Harrisburg for debrief and then graduation. Definitely some bittersweet times ahead for me... God Bless! <3

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The amazing times continue... :)

So, I finally have good internet, thought I would post really quick. This week has been absolutely crazy!! We went to Brown on Wednesday, did our thing there on Thursday (saw 5 healings!!!), and then went back to New Haven on Friday. After the church service at Gateway today, we left and headed for where I currently sit, Ithaca, New York!!! This is where Cornell University is, and we will be here for the next two weeks. So excited for this particular Ivy, mainly because of how unified I have heard that the Christians on campus are already. Looking forward to good things. :) God Bless! <3

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Times in Connecticut, aka Outreach :)

I'm about a week and a half into outreach now. This time at Yale so far has been amazing, and I really feel like I've been released to just go for it and be bold for the gospel!! I was born for this!!!!! :D God has totally been with my team so far, and I know that He will continue to be. I've already talked to one of the Yale students that was a Christian before we got here, but she told me that she would never have been as bold as she is now if she hadn't seen us and our fire and hunger. Come on!! Save the lost. Revive the saved. Train them all. :) I'm so excited to see what else happens at Yale, not to mention the other 4 Ivy League schools we're going to. Let's go!!! God Bless! <3

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Helloooooo New Haven :)

So my team is now on outreach!! We will be here in New Haven, Connecticut for a total of 3 weeks, doing outreach at Yale and Southern Connecticut State University, with a weekend at Brown in Rhode Island during this time as well. The boys are staying at an apartment with our contact Lenny and his wife Brittany while me and the girls are staying at a host home. Needless to say, all 7 of us are so excited to start revival at these campuses, as well as in the community here in New Haven! Today we helped at an Easter egg hunt that Lenny's group King's Keep (an outreach group for kids that he runs for the neighborhood here) hosted. It was so much fun watching the kids run around! :) We'll be doing more stuff with King's Keep as well as working with the YA group at a local church called Gateway. We don't have internet at the host home, so the only time I can post is when I happen to have my laptop at the apartment. Posts will be limited, but I'll do my best to keep everyone updated. Have a great Easter everybody!!!! God Bless! <3

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ever closer...

Less than 24 hours left in the beautiful city of Washington, D.C.. My team leaves at noon tomorrow (Monday) for Resting Place in NJ for the night, and then on to Yale on Tuesday morning!! SO EXCITED!!!!!! :D God Bless! <3

Friday, March 30, 2012

It's Time Ya'll

I leave for outreach at noon on Monday. Stoked? So am I!!! Working on my packing tomorrow. I can't wait to see what all Abba has in store for me in this next season!! Come Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless! <3

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Change of Season

So, I'm coming to the end of my stay here in our nation's capital. It's been quite the ride!! Salvations, healings, and breakthrough are in the air. Now it's time to start gearing up for what's next... OUTREACH PHASE!!! It's time, I'm ready, so be prepared Ivy League, WE ARE COMING!!!!! So, what's this change time going to look like? Well, we've already finished lectures last week. This week we will be doing some worship while the Supreme Court hears the case over Obamacare. If left unchanged, Obamacare will do two things that I feel are wrong. One, it will force all American citizens to buy a product (healthcare) whether they want to or not. It will also cover abortions, so American taxdollars will go towards funding the killing of innocent children. Yeesh! :p My crew will be doing worship 24/7 in shifts (we've already started) until Wednesday when the court is done hearing the oral arguments. Thursday and Friday (and maybe Saturday) will be outreach prep. Whew! I'm a little tired just thinking about it... but it's all good. God Bless! <3

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Washington Post (heehee)

Oh my goodness. I have totally fallen in love with this town!! Yeah, I may be living in the ghetto, but the people here are so hungry and open to the gospel. It's incredible. Washington D.C. already feels like home, and I've only been here for 2 weeks. I love the people here, I love my community, I love sleeping in bunk beds, I love our teachers... I think you get the point. I love it here!! :) If I had any complaints, it would be that it's a bit hard to sleep with all the cars and sirens going by all hours of the night, not used to living in a big city like D.C. is. A huge praise I have is that I have paid off all my school fees!!! I feel so incredibly blessed all the time that I had all my money before I got here. If you happen to read this, please be praying for my fellow classmates that still have to fundraise. I think that's all for now. God Bless! <3

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Last Week/Welcome to DC

So, we didn't get to tour Princeton after all last week, because the serpentine belt broke on our van. However, we still had a good time at Resting Place on Monday night and Tuesday. We helped clean Life Center on Wednesday, and then Thursday night through Saturday was the Firestorm Conference. I can't express how amazing the impartation was from all of our amazing speakers!!! Charles and Anne Stock (senior pastors at Life Center), Heidi and Roland Baker (founders of Iris Ministries in Mozambique, Africa), Lou and Therese Engle, and Wes and Stacy Campbell were among the ones that taught us during this amazing time. On Sunday morning, we finished packing, loaded the vans and headed for Washington, D.C.! We are staying in Anacostia, one of the roughest parts of the city, in bunk beds in the House of Prayer here called the Gatepost. Yesterday, our first full day here, we took a tour of some of the various monuments. Jason Hershey, the leader of Gatepost, acted as tour guide and told us about all of the places we were visiting. It was so much fun! I can speak for all of Fire and Fragrance Harrisburg when I say that we are so honored to be able to partner with YWAM D.C. and cry out for revival and reformation in our nation's capital! Just as King David brought the Arc of the Lord into his capital Jerusalem, so we will usher in God's presence over the capital of the USA!!! So excited to see what will happen! Come Lord!!!!!!!!!! God Bless! <3

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spent last night at Resting Place in New Jersey, now we are headed to Princeton for a quick tour! :D So excited to visit an Ivy League school! God Bless! <3

Friday, February 17, 2012

Almost time for DC

Hello everybody! This past week we had Dan Bauman talking to us about missions. It was absolutely amazing to hear his story, especially about the time he was thrown in prison in Iran. If we get too many more amazing speakers, I think I might explode!!! Next week is going to be really crazy. Monday, we will start out by cleaning our rooms in the morning, and then going to Resting Place in NJ in the afternoon. We will stay there for the night, and then go from RP to tour Princeton University on Tuesday. The rest of the week will be spent at the Firestorm Conference, held here at Life Center. The Sunday after that we leave for Washington DC for the month of March. Can't wait! God Bless! <3

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One month down! :)

I meant to do an end of the month post at the actual end of the month, but it just so happens that I was so sick that I even missed classes last week. Thank you Jesus for making me feel better!! We had the Boston DTS crew down here in Hburg with us last week to join us in listening to Andy Byrd, the cowriter of the book Fire and Fragrance. He did an amazing job of filling us with fresh faith, I can't even begin to describe what a blessing it was for him to teach us! This week we have Brian Leach (a pastor here at Life Center) teaching us about hearing the voice of God, and breaking off all fear and unbelief. Glory. ^.^ We'll be moving to DC for the month of March in a few weeks, so excited to join Jason Hershey and his crew down there.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of Week Three

So, I've come to the end of my third week here in the lovely Keystone State, and I must say it's been an amazing ride so far. Earlier today, we took a side trip down to Washington, D.C. to do a life siege in front of the Supreme Court building along with Jason Hershey and his crew stationed there . This coming week the teaching will be on the Father Heart of God with Chris Dupree. (I already have a feeling I'll be crying my eyes out all week, but in a good way. Lol) Suffice it to say that God is on the move!! Love you guys! ^.^ God Bless! <3
Going to Washington DC for the day to do a Life Siege in front of the Supreme Court building today!! :D Details tonight! God Bless! <3

Friday, January 13, 2012

The End of the Second Week :D

So, I've reached the end of my second week here in Harrisburg, and I'm loving it!!! Being here has been amazing. I've found out where my outreach will be, and it's not overseas. After much consideration and prayer, I will be spending a few months touring around the northeast USA, stirring revival at the Ivy League universities and campuses. I've really discovered a love of raising up others in my generation. So let's go start some fires. :D God Bless <3
Get ready everybody, I find out my outreach location today!!! :D God Bless! <3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Second Week, so far

Hello everybody! Just started my second week of classes, and I have to say that I have learned so much!! Last week was about being closer with God, and this week is about grace and joy. It's been so amazing. More updates later, got to go to class! :) God Bless! <3

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Day

Hey guys, I've made it here to Harrisburg. I've already met so many incredible people and had such an amazing time, I can only imagine how the rest of my trip will go!! I'm staying in an awesome hotel called the Howard Johnson (or its nickname, HoJos), and it's right across from the church where my classes are, called the Life Center Church. I've taken tons of pictures, I'll upload them ASAP. God Bless! <3
Coming up to the airport at this very moment! :D God Bless <3

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just over 24 hours left until I'm in Harrisburg! So excited!!! God Bless <3