Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Change of Season

So, I'm coming to the end of my stay here in our nation's capital. It's been quite the ride!! Salvations, healings, and breakthrough are in the air. Now it's time to start gearing up for what's next... OUTREACH PHASE!!! It's time, I'm ready, so be prepared Ivy League, WE ARE COMING!!!!! So, what's this change time going to look like? Well, we've already finished lectures last week. This week we will be doing some worship while the Supreme Court hears the case over Obamacare. If left unchanged, Obamacare will do two things that I feel are wrong. One, it will force all American citizens to buy a product (healthcare) whether they want to or not. It will also cover abortions, so American taxdollars will go towards funding the killing of innocent children. Yeesh! :p My crew will be doing worship 24/7 in shifts (we've already started) until Wednesday when the court is done hearing the oral arguments. Thursday and Friday (and maybe Saturday) will be outreach prep. Whew! I'm a little tired just thinking about it... but it's all good. God Bless! <3

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