Saturday, April 7, 2012

Helloooooo New Haven :)

So my team is now on outreach!! We will be here in New Haven, Connecticut for a total of 3 weeks, doing outreach at Yale and Southern Connecticut State University, with a weekend at Brown in Rhode Island during this time as well. The boys are staying at an apartment with our contact Lenny and his wife Brittany while me and the girls are staying at a host home. Needless to say, all 7 of us are so excited to start revival at these campuses, as well as in the community here in New Haven! Today we helped at an Easter egg hunt that Lenny's group King's Keep (an outreach group for kids that he runs for the neighborhood here) hosted. It was so much fun watching the kids run around! :) We'll be doing more stuff with King's Keep as well as working with the YA group at a local church called Gateway. We don't have internet at the host home, so the only time I can post is when I happen to have my laptop at the apartment. Posts will be limited, but I'll do my best to keep everyone updated. Have a great Easter everybody!!!! God Bless! <3

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