Monday, November 19, 2012

Insanity and Convergence, Smacked in the face (Not literally) and Ek Ballo

This will be one of the longest posts I've done to date, but that's because so much has happened in the span of 10ish days. Everything is accelerating. Shifting. Starting. Happening. Going. Moving. We are getting slammed with the reality of what God has for us as a crew and as our wider global community, sharpening our focus and launching us like never before. We are heading into the unknown at Mach 20 with no seatbelt and no way out even if we wanted to be. Which of course we don't. Before I get too ahead of myself here, let me tell you what's going on...

Last week was Andy Byrd's week for the DTS. I was busy working in the kitchen during most of his teaching, but I did get to hear some of what he talked about. He shared about the culture of revival and the practicals on how to live it out. (Come on, somebody!) He led us in repentance for passivity and unbelief, two of the biggest destiny killers in the world. That was crazy in and of itself, but it was just the beginning. Thursday night was the beginning of Convergence, the conference I wrote about a couple posts back. As with most of the times we revivalists get together, it was a beautiful collision of hearts and passion as we sought the Lord to see a culture shift in this nation. We need one, and now. We can't wait any longer!! The alarm clock has gone off, it is time to see America rise to its destiny once again! Revival is reality, awakening is coming, and anybody who says different doesn't know my God. My heart is burning within me as I sit full of faith for what God is birthing in this moment. If I had any doubts about the power of God to change lives, they have been torn to shreds and burned beyond recognition. Forever. We started off Thursday with Brian Brennt joining Andy to speak more on the coming awakening and the practicals of sustaining revival. During worship towards the end, everybody was standing at their seat. I decided I couldn't stand it and ran up front and danced in front of God and everyone with complete abandon by myself. It was so amazing, I can't even describe. Nothing brings me to life like pure, uncontained worship straight to my King. Afterwards I joined in with the cleaning crew. The next day my fellow Leadership Track friends and I had breakfast and worship together, and then another session with Brian and Andy. This time, we seperated the college students and had them on the stage, and then we YWAMers and everybody else commisioned them to go crazy on their respective campuses. There was even a guy there from Taylor University! Woooo Indiana! Haha. :) Saturday we had evangelism training in the morning, and then in the afternoon we sent out 13 teams into Allison Hill here in Harrisburg. Altogether, we saw 37 salvations and 20 healings, all in 2 hours!! Go God! The soil is good in America! Don't belive the lie that it's not! Jesus wants his reward! That night we had Shawn Bolz from Hollywood come and speak. I didn't get to hear much of it, because I was on camera crew and had to concentrate on my very big, professional camera. But it was good, and he brought alot to the table about shifting culture in the entertainment industry. So good!! That night my friends from the Burn Rochester crew got to pray for my sleep, after I explained to them how I grew up with almost nightly nightmares that made me scared to sleep most of the time. Glad to be getting more rest from now on. Yesterday (Sunday) morning at service, Pastor Charles ordained Andy along with Sean Feucht... amazing to see where God is going to take them next. Glory to glory! :) Last night, Sean blew the place up with worship and then Andy spoke about what it means to be Ek Balloed. The word Ek Ballo, (Greek, I think) a word meaning go or send, is the word Jesus used when he expelled Legion into the herd of pigs. It implies a violence of thrusting someone or something. He used the same word when talking to his disciples. "Ask then, that the Lord of the Harvest would send (ek ballo) workers into the harvest field." It's the same idea of thrusting and sending with no ability to resist. Jesus wants to ek ballo us into places, whether it's into the nations like me or the universities like others in my crew. We must go!!!!!!! God also talked to me last night about maybe joining a friend of mine on a trip to Congo in April. So excited for this!!!! I really see this as just the beginning to my role as a minister to the nations. Can't wait. ^.^

Today Brian spoke to the DTS, and really laid some foundation and vision for where we are/should be going as a community. Here's a piece of it...

We are meant to be a hub, not a base (wider perspective).
We are meant to be a mobile strike team.
We are meant to have a virtual classroom along with the one we already have here.
We are meant to be a home for Circut Riders.
We are meant to be a catalyst for global reformation.
We are meant to train in the field. We learn as we go.

This is just a piece of what he talked about. I am going crazy here, trying to figure out where I fit in. There are so many things happening, many decisions to be made...

Staffing the next DTS in April.
My roll as kitchen staff and leadership track.
My role in these teams and other words from Brian.

I am beyond excited to see what God will do with me. Whatever it is, wherever he takes me, I do it from love and not for love. I will not go and burn out, I will burn and go out. I will be a peacemaker where chaos now reigns. Stay tuned, more updates will come as these things come together. Much love to you all... God Bless! <3

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