Sunday, October 21, 2012

DC Days

Just got back from a crazy week in DC! Some of the Leadership Track and I went down to be part of David's Tent DC, which was so amazing it's not even funny. For those that don't know, YWAM DC got permission from the park service to put a tent on the Ellipse, which is the lawn right across from the White House, for 40 days leading up to the elections for 24/7 worship. This is historic!! No one, and I mean NO ONE, has done anything like this.  David brought the Arc (God's presence) into Jeruselum and put it in a tent much like this one and hired 4000 musicians to minister day and night before the Lord, so they are following his example (without quite that number haha). There's no prayer, no speeches, no talking at all really, just pure vertical worship.They aren't pulling for one candidate over the other, the heart of this is to put a big target on Jesus and put him back on the throne of America where he belongs. It was beautiful to behold. I'm so glad for the divine appointment that sent me here for a time such as this. We were there for a week, and then the DTS is going down as well in November. Please keep the crew running this in your prayers as it comes to its conclusion, that everything that God sets out to accomplish with this is accomplished and that they would have a hedge of protection. Thanks! ^.^ God Bless! <3

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