Monday, October 1, 2012

I meant to do a "first-post-now-that-I'm-back-in-Harrisburg" a lot sooner. But I think you guys will understand why I didn't once you read this...

So, I've made it back to Harrisburg! Very excited to see what will come. I know two years is a long time to be away, but I really feel like it's what God wanted. What have I been up to so far? Mostly cleaning! Haha. We (YWAM Harrisburg) just got a house right in the heart of Harrisburg. I could go into the prophetic history and all about how we got it, but that's a little much for a blog post, considering everything else I have to talk about. The address is 333 S 13th Street, and we call it the 333 House. It will be my home away from home while I am here. The house was rather nasty (mold, grime, and dust among other things) when we got it, but we have been working hard and have gotten it back in good condition. It is also housing the 21 students of our September DTS! Although I am on Leadership Track and not staffing the DTS itself, I have still gotten to meet the students by living with them this past week and helping make their food. I am so stirred for what God is going to do in their hearts these next five months! Which brings me to my next topic... I am heading up the kitchen staff for awhile! Rachel Borden, Charisah Cleath (who had her leg grow! Check out the video on my Facebook!) and I are taking care of stocking the kitchen, cooking the meals, and keeping the kitchen clean. Excited to work with these two amazing women of God! More updates to come soon, very soon. God Bless! <3

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