Saturday, November 3, 2012

Time for some vision casting, aka what's next?

I am just so stirred right now for what God is birthing here in Harrisburg, starting with this DTS and going further to the community as a whole. During a staff meeting the other day we talked a bit about some of the words of the Lord that have been spoken over our community, mainly about how we were going to be a beachhead of revival as well as an Antioch location here in the East just as Kona is in the West. It's been beautiful to watch. Even though the leaders (mainly the Bardwells) have been here plowing for the past 3 years and I've only been here the 1, I've still gotten to see this place turn into a YWAM base essentially. Especially since we opened the 333 House for operation, things have really been coming to a head. This DTS, the third one that's been run by YWAM Harrisburg so far (mine was the second), is only the beginning. We can now start to do events like the one this November called Convergence, where we are gathering leaders from across the Northeast to come contend for a culture shift in America. (Come on!!) We can also start to partner with other places to do things, like the partnership with Lancaster to run a Circut Rider school here in Pennsylvania next August. We are also looking in to joining with Hillsong Church in NYC to host TheSend with Lou Engle, but it's still just in the works. However, that doesn't mean I'm not super excited about what else God will do through my crew and me! So here's a tentative schedule...

November 2012- Convergence
Spring 2013- TheSend(?)
Summer 2013- Possible DTS
                        Hillside Intensive
Fall 2013- DTS
                 Lancaster CR(?)

Antioch. The Kona of the East Coast.
80 million saved, 200 thousand released into missions.
Consecrated community, centered around the person of Christ, leading to revival and reformation.
Let's do it. *Game face*

God Bless! <3

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