Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Washington Post (heehee)

Oh my goodness. I have totally fallen in love with this town!! Yeah, I may be living in the ghetto, but the people here are so hungry and open to the gospel. It's incredible. Washington D.C. already feels like home, and I've only been here for 2 weeks. I love the people here, I love my community, I love sleeping in bunk beds, I love our teachers... I think you get the point. I love it here!! :) If I had any complaints, it would be that it's a bit hard to sleep with all the cars and sirens going by all hours of the night, not used to living in a big city like D.C. is. A huge praise I have is that I have paid off all my school fees!!! I feel so incredibly blessed all the time that I had all my money before I got here. If you happen to read this, please be praying for my fellow classmates that still have to fundraise. I think that's all for now. God Bless! <3

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