Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Salem, Irritation, and Sandy

As most of you know, we just had a really bad storm come through the Northeast. Frankenstorm, Superstorm, or just Hurricane Sandy. Whatever you call it, I just call it irritating. My reason? Our trip to Salem, MA that was supposed to be happening from this Monday to Thursday (over Halloween basically) got cancelled by it. It wouldn't have been so bad, if this wasn't the trip I've been greatly anticipating since I realized I was coming back to Harrisburg! Our crew looks forward to this trip every fall, and I was glad for the chance to join them for the first time. But then, Sandy decided to blow through and ruin it for me. :p In all seriousness though, this storm was intense. Although Harrisburg barely got touched (just a bunch of rain and wind... thank you God!), New York and the coastal areas are hurting. Keep them in your prayers, just as we will in ours. I have a feeling they are gonna need it. God Bless! <3

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