Friday, November 9, 2012

Birthdays and other fun

Had a few moments while I sit here waiting for midnight, so I thought I'd post a little bit about what's been going on. Very excited, because at midnight it's my birthday. Still hard to believe I'm going to be 21 in just a few hours. Even harder to believe is how far I've come since my last birthday... 20 was a rollercoaster of a year, that's for sure, but it was a fun rollercoaster all the same. My crew gave me a pumpkin cake and a few presents tonight, and then we are having a game night tomorrow night. I am just so stirred as I look ahead to what this next year will hold, I forsee many great things. This will be a year of God's refining fire taking me even deeper. Can't wait. ^.^ Also looking forward to seeing Trans-Siberian Orchestra in concert over in Hershey on December 21st. I've missed them these past few years! :) In other news, I'll be coming home for Christmas! I get into Indy on Christmas Eve, and head back to Harrisburg on New Year's Eve. Looking forward to a solid week back at home before diving back in to my life as a YWAMer, can't wait to see everybody!!! God Bless! <3

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