Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Last Week/Welcome to DC

So, we didn't get to tour Princeton after all last week, because the serpentine belt broke on our van. However, we still had a good time at Resting Place on Monday night and Tuesday. We helped clean Life Center on Wednesday, and then Thursday night through Saturday was the Firestorm Conference. I can't express how amazing the impartation was from all of our amazing speakers!!! Charles and Anne Stock (senior pastors at Life Center), Heidi and Roland Baker (founders of Iris Ministries in Mozambique, Africa), Lou and Therese Engle, and Wes and Stacy Campbell were among the ones that taught us during this amazing time. On Sunday morning, we finished packing, loaded the vans and headed for Washington, D.C.! We are staying in Anacostia, one of the roughest parts of the city, in bunk beds in the House of Prayer here called the Gatepost. Yesterday, our first full day here, we took a tour of some of the various monuments. Jason Hershey, the leader of Gatepost, acted as tour guide and told us about all of the places we were visiting. It was so much fun! I can speak for all of Fire and Fragrance Harrisburg when I say that we are so honored to be able to partner with YWAM D.C. and cry out for revival and reformation in our nation's capital! Just as King David brought the Arc of the Lord into his capital Jerusalem, so we will usher in God's presence over the capital of the USA!!! So excited to see what will happen! Come Lord!!!!!!!!!! God Bless! <3

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