Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ask, and you will recieve

"Most people have not because they ask not." Wiser words have never been spoken for this particular moment. Let me tell you what's been going on.

As a DTS, we (not me personally, I'm base staff, not DTS) needed $60,000 within about a week for everybody to go on outreach. Jeremy (the base leader) gathered us as a community and said he'd never seen a DTS with so much need and so little time. He and the other leadership felt from the Lord that we were all to pray and fast over this weekend, starting on Friday and ending with a big breakfast to celebrate on Monday. Total, it came to 60 hours of fasting, contending and praying in shifts to see a breakthrough over our finances. Within about 4 days, we saw around $40,000 come in. Come on! However, that's not the end of the story. Just today, we found out that somebody anonymously gave our base $10,000! Within a span of about 5 days, we have seen almost all of the money come in. And I believe that the rest is coming. GOD IS SO GOOD! We need to break off the poverty mindset that says we shouldn't ask, because we probably won't recieve, even if God wanted to. He longs to open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessings upon blessings for his children! I am even stirred myself for my own financial breakthrough I'm going to be recieving. I am going to need about $2,700 to go to Congo in April, not to mention my monthly staff fees I'll still have to pay while I'm gone. But I'm not worried. Why should I be, especially after today? Haha :) God is good. All the time. Believe it. God Bless! <3

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