Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One month down! :)

I meant to do an end of the month post at the actual end of the month, but it just so happens that I was so sick that I even missed classes last week. Thank you Jesus for making me feel better!! We had the Boston DTS crew down here in Hburg with us last week to join us in listening to Andy Byrd, the cowriter of the book Fire and Fragrance. He did an amazing job of filling us with fresh faith, I can't even begin to describe what a blessing it was for him to teach us! This week we have Brian Leach (a pastor here at Life Center) teaching us about hearing the voice of God, and breaking off all fear and unbelief. Glory. ^.^ We'll be moving to DC for the month of March in a few weeks, so excited to join Jason Hershey and his crew down there.

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