Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Salem, Irritation, and Sandy

As most of you know, we just had a really bad storm come through the Northeast. Frankenstorm, Superstorm, or just Hurricane Sandy. Whatever you call it, I just call it irritating. My reason? Our trip to Salem, MA that was supposed to be happening from this Monday to Thursday (over Halloween basically) got cancelled by it. It wouldn't have been so bad, if this wasn't the trip I've been greatly anticipating since I realized I was coming back to Harrisburg! Our crew looks forward to this trip every fall, and I was glad for the chance to join them for the first time. But then, Sandy decided to blow through and ruin it for me. :p In all seriousness though, this storm was intense. Although Harrisburg barely got touched (just a bunch of rain and wind... thank you God!), New York and the coastal areas are hurting. Keep them in your prayers, just as we will in ours. I have a feeling they are gonna need it. God Bless! <3

Friday, October 26, 2012

Heart to Heart

I'm warning you now, this isn't necessarily an update about what I'm doing. It's more an "I need to share what's on my heart" kind of thing, so unless you really care about what I think and not just my various ministry adventures, just pass this post on by.

I've just had a very heavy heart these past few weeks, and I haven't really been able to explain why. Mostly I have just put it down to a desire to GO. I feel like the little I do here isn't enough, and I'm not out there just going for it like I want to be. God's really been teaching me about my calling though. About how I'm not just a harvester, but I am a harvester of the harvesters. I am called to lead leaders, and disciple the disciplers. That is so hard for me to swallow though! Anybody who knows me, especially since my DTS, can testify to how I want to be out there in the thick of things, letting God use me how he will. But this IS how he is using me. Serving this base. This community. Trying to become a leader while being a leader. To be honest, I almost didn't want to be on staff. I wanted to be a student again, with great leaders that would give me the release to just take schools, nations, whatever for the Kingdom. But I have to deal with the fact that it's my turn to do the releasing. It's my turn to see these amazing people step into their identity. When I first felt led to come back, I also asked God what was beyond these two years, what was even a little bit further down the road for me. And while I still don't know for sure, I have felt a call to start a YWAM base back home in Indiana. I thought this call would begin then, being a leader of leaders and such. But, no. It's now. And it's freaking me out a bit. Who am I, a smalltown farm girl from Indiana with a weird streak a mile wide and stubborn as all get out to boot, that I would be picked for such dreams? That's when God's voice rings clear... you are that, and more. Princess. Daughter. Beloved. Sister and Bride. Who are you, that you get to decide who I call? Once again, I am filled with faith in the faithfullness of God as I learn to just abide in the vine and see where it takes me. Jesus, you are my one and only. Let my life be the proof of your love. Amen.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

DC Days

Just got back from a crazy week in DC! Some of the Leadership Track and I went down to be part of David's Tent DC, which was so amazing it's not even funny. For those that don't know, YWAM DC got permission from the park service to put a tent on the Ellipse, which is the lawn right across from the White House, for 40 days leading up to the elections for 24/7 worship. This is historic!! No one, and I mean NO ONE, has done anything like this.  David brought the Arc (God's presence) into Jeruselum and put it in a tent much like this one and hired 4000 musicians to minister day and night before the Lord, so they are following his example (without quite that number haha). There's no prayer, no speeches, no talking at all really, just pure vertical worship.They aren't pulling for one candidate over the other, the heart of this is to put a big target on Jesus and put him back on the throne of America where he belongs. It was beautiful to behold. I'm so glad for the divine appointment that sent me here for a time such as this. We were there for a week, and then the DTS is going down as well in November. Please keep the crew running this in your prayers as it comes to its conclusion, that everything that God sets out to accomplish with this is accomplished and that they would have a hedge of protection. Thanks! ^.^ God Bless! <3

Monday, October 15, 2012

Off to DC! I'll fill you guys in on what I'm doing there hopefully tonight. God Bless! <3

Friday, October 12, 2012

Crazy days in Hburg...

Wow, these past few days have been crazy! Between taking care of my kitchen duties, my base leader getting mugged(!), seeing a team head to Cornell for a couple days, preparing for DC next week as well as Salem, heading up a barbeque for the DTS, and living life here in general, I've been pretty swamped with stuff. Luckily, God is good enough to get me through anything. :) Excited for these upcoming trips to DC and Salem, can't wait to get out there and see people come to know Jesus. Not just know OF Jesus or ABOUT Jesus, but actually KNOW Jesus. This is what I live for. Let's do it. ^.^ God Bless! <3

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And away they go... well, not quite yet.

Although I am not going on outreach with them, I still wanted to post about the DTS outreach locations. They were announced today, and everybody is super stoked! I cannot wait for these amazing men and women of the Lord to get out there and do what missionaries do. If it was up to me (thank goodness it's not), they would already be out there and seeing revival! I am so amazed at the quality of the students at this DTS. They will be going to Ireland/UK, Nepal, and South Africa, with each team ending at an Ivy League school. Secretly hoping they might ask me to go on outreach with them... here's to hoping. God Bless! <3

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Travel Time. :)

Missionaries. We travel, right? Right. So where will I be traveling? For starters, Salem, Massachusetts. I'll be there over Halloween, praying for the big Pagan party that happens there each year. After that, I'll be heading to Washington, DC from the 2nd to the 7th. Excited? Yes, yes I am. :) Nothing I like better than to pile into 15 passenger vans and run around the country with my fellow lovers of Jesus. Glory. God Bless! <3

Monday, October 1, 2012

I meant to do a "first-post-now-that-I'm-back-in-Harrisburg" a lot sooner. But I think you guys will understand why I didn't once you read this...

So, I've made it back to Harrisburg! Very excited to see what will come. I know two years is a long time to be away, but I really feel like it's what God wanted. What have I been up to so far? Mostly cleaning! Haha. We (YWAM Harrisburg) just got a house right in the heart of Harrisburg. I could go into the prophetic history and all about how we got it, but that's a little much for a blog post, considering everything else I have to talk about. The address is 333 S 13th Street, and we call it the 333 House. It will be my home away from home while I am here. The house was rather nasty (mold, grime, and dust among other things) when we got it, but we have been working hard and have gotten it back in good condition. It is also housing the 21 students of our September DTS! Although I am on Leadership Track and not staffing the DTS itself, I have still gotten to meet the students by living with them this past week and helping make their food. I am so stirred for what God is going to do in their hearts these next five months! Which brings me to my next topic... I am heading up the kitchen staff for awhile! Rachel Borden, Charisah Cleath (who had her leg grow! Check out the video on my Facebook!) and I are taking care of stocking the kitchen, cooking the meals, and keeping the kitchen clean. Excited to work with these two amazing women of God! More updates to come soon, very soon. God Bless! <3