Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Wow. How much things have changed since my last post! So crazy. To start with, my base leader Jeremy told me that he thinks I should go to another base. It's called YWAM Lebanon, and it's about 30-45 minutes away from Harrisburg. To be honest, I don't want to go, but if God tells me to, then I'm going. Which also brings my time here in Pennsylvania into question. I was planning on being here for 2 years (starting last September) but if I go to Lebanon, I have no clue how long I'll be there. As well as, I don't know if Congo is still going to happen for me, although it should. Basically, I have alot of questions and not many answers. But God is good, and I know that he is with me no matter where I go. Updates as things come up, as always. :) God Bless! <3

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