Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My life is a whirlwind...

The title says it all! This past week we went back to New Haven. The next day we took a side trip up to Boston for the day and met up with the other Ivy League team and had some time at Harvard. Both teams went together to New Haven that night. The next day after that, the leaders of both teams left, leaving me and the other students to do a Faith Journey for a week. We had such an amazing time doing not only ministry but finding time to have fun as well. This past Saturday we met up with our leaders in New Jersey, and spent a few days at Resting Place. Today, we packed up and have now come to Harrisburg for the night, and then tomorrow we leave for Virginia to help with Awaken the Dawn and theCall Virginia until this coming Saturday. Once we are done with theCall, we will come back to Harrisburg for debrief and graduation! So excited to get back to Indiana on the 31st!! God Bless! <3

Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh how things change. :)

Guess where I'm posting from? New Haven. Yep, I'm back where I started outreach, Connecticut! Where did I think I would be? Philadelphia. Which I was, for a day (got to have my first authentic Philly cheesesteak), and then we left early and went to Harrisburg for a couple of days. Now we are back at Yale for a week, and then New Jersey and then debrief/graduation. Very excited to come home on the 31st! God Bless! <3

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pennsylvania Bound (for now, anyway!)

I've had the most amazing time here in New York! Cornell is without a doubt my favorite Ivy League that I've visited. The community spirit here just blows me away! Unfortunately (or fortunate depending on how you look at it) I am currently preparing to leave this beautiful place for yet another. Tomorrow afternoon me and my team head out to Warren, Pennsylvania to stay at the house of Rachele, one of my outreach leaders. We will be there until Monday, at which time we will head out to Philidelphia! Our fourth and final Ivy League, UPenn, awaits us there. We will be there for a week, and then we will have a few days in New Jersey at Resting Place and maybe even some time in New York City. After all of that, we'll head to Harrisburg for debrief and then graduation. Definitely some bittersweet times ahead for me... God Bless! <3