Thursday, March 28, 2013

More Changes

Okay, let me start out by saying that I'm bad at keeping this thing updated. But let me tell you what's been going on.

I'm back in Indiana, for starters. I left Harrisburg on the 15th of this month. Kicking and screaming the entire way. I love this place, and it's great to be back, don't get me wrong, but I love Harrisburg and Pennsylvania as well, and I am torn. I didn't want to leave. I quote Red from Shawshank Redemption... "All I want is to be back where things make sense. Where I don't have to be afraid all the time. Only one thing stops me: a promise I made to Andy." Or in my case, Jesus. I promised him I would go wherever and whenever he lead me. I know I'm back on Hoosier soil for a reason, but if I had my choice, I'd be with my fiery-eyed Jesus loving friends in Harrisburg. Just being honest.

However, I'm not planning on slowing down much while I'm here. In addition to doing my best to be around for my Grandma Jean whom I just recently found out has cancer, I'm planning several things with my youth group Cor 59. This is including me speaking one night at our regular Wednesday meeting and an evangelism training day just for starters. I'm also trying (key word) to get my job back at McDonald's.

What most of you are interested in though, is my ministry. I've already been asked several times, "How long are you here?" "When are you heading out again?" Of course plans change, but this is where things stand right now. I've put in my application for the Harvest School with Iris Ministries, based in Pemba, Mozambique, Africa. (Yes, I was going to Congo. I'm not now. It's a long story.) If I'm accepted, I will be leaving in June and arriving back to the USA sometime in August. In my eyes, this is a stepping stone into more opportunities in Africa and beyond.

All my plans hinge on whether I am accepted or not. If I am accepted, I'll obviously be going. But I'm still figuring out what will be going on if I'm not. The key word for this hour is trust. Trust that I hear the word of the Lord. Trust that his ways and plans are higher than mine. And trust that he is faithful. As a wise person once said, He's a better leader than we are followers.

I'll keep you updated as best as possible.

And so we go.

God Bless! <3