Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preperation time

As I told you in my last post, I'm getting ready to head back to Harrisburg to be on staff. Still finding it hard to believe that it's less than a month away! Got a call from Sarah Harmsworth (staff in Harrisburg already), she's got my application, and they are taking care of it on that end. Just got some things to get ready before I leave. The main thing is getting all of the money together. Staff fees are $350 a month. Please be praying that my finances all come through, as well as partnering with me. It's a Kingdom investment you won't regret, I promise. :) I'm in talks to buy a car so that I can have one while I'm out there, but I don't know if that will happen. I'm just trusting that if I'm meant to have one, God will provide! Other than leaving my job at McDonald's in a few weeks, I should be ready. I've got my plane ticket, got my love of Jesus, and I'm raring to go! God Bless! <3