Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of Week Three

So, I've come to the end of my third week here in the lovely Keystone State, and I must say it's been an amazing ride so far. Earlier today, we took a side trip down to Washington, D.C. to do a life siege in front of the Supreme Court building along with Jason Hershey and his crew stationed there . This coming week the teaching will be on the Father Heart of God with Chris Dupree. (I already have a feeling I'll be crying my eyes out all week, but in a good way. Lol) Suffice it to say that God is on the move!! Love you guys! ^.^ God Bless! <3
Going to Washington DC for the day to do a Life Siege in front of the Supreme Court building today!! :D Details tonight! God Bless! <3

Friday, January 13, 2012

The End of the Second Week :D

So, I've reached the end of my second week here in Harrisburg, and I'm loving it!!! Being here has been amazing. I've found out where my outreach will be, and it's not overseas. After much consideration and prayer, I will be spending a few months touring around the northeast USA, stirring revival at the Ivy League universities and campuses. I've really discovered a love of raising up others in my generation. So let's go start some fires. :D God Bless <3
Get ready everybody, I find out my outreach location today!!! :D God Bless! <3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Second Week, so far

Hello everybody! Just started my second week of classes, and I have to say that I have learned so much!! Last week was about being closer with God, and this week is about grace and joy. It's been so amazing. More updates later, got to go to class! :) God Bless! <3

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Day

Hey guys, I've made it here to Harrisburg. I've already met so many incredible people and had such an amazing time, I can only imagine how the rest of my trip will go!! I'm staying in an awesome hotel called the Howard Johnson (or its nickname, HoJos), and it's right across from the church where my classes are, called the Life Center Church. I've taken tons of pictures, I'll upload them ASAP. God Bless! <3
Coming up to the airport at this very moment! :D God Bless <3

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just over 24 hours left until I'm in Harrisburg! So excited!!! God Bless <3